Thursday, May 04, 2006

The First 10 Gamer

The season's first 10 game homestand has come and gone. Whew, I must be getting older. I remember when I thought the more the games the better. Now I'm getting a little tired towards the end of the homestand. Part of it has to be carrying my 75+ pounds of gear to and from the ballpark, I used to be able to leave gear in a locker at the beginning of a homestand and take it home at the end. But with a new ballpark I don't have a locker yet and I walk about 3 blocks among the fans instead of just walking across the street from the parking garage. I know, I know, waa waa waa whoa is me. I just need to get to the gym, lose some weight and get back into better shape and it won't be a big deal!
Well at least the Cardinals went 8-2 during this stretch. I shot alright although I felt that my timing was a little off. One nice thing that happened was Albert Pujols' 14h home run of the month, which set a MLB record of 14 home runs in the month of April. It's fun having Albert around, he seems to always be breaking some sort of record. So now it's edit, edit and some more editing and soon enough the team will be back for another 9 game homestand. At least we have a couple of days off during that one!